Gay male porn comic animated vintage

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To be honest, even going further back than that I don’t think I ever had a close relationship with this particular franchise: my strongest association with it is the 1990 NES game based on the beloved cartoon Chip n’ Dale Rescue Rangers, where playing as either Chip (he has an Indiana Jones outfit) or Dale (he’s got a Magnum P.I floral shirt) you have to do some generic sub-Mario 8-bit platforming, throwing boxes and leaping over robot dogs, in order to undo the plans of the villainous Fat Cat. Like I don’t think I’m exaggerating – for at least twenty years and probably longer, I haven’t seen anything of these two apparently lovable characters and their apparently considerable catalogue of funny shorts, TV series, comic books and other media. So recently I saw, for the first time in decades, a piece of media involving Disney’s animated chipmunks, uh, Chip and Dale (or ‘n Dale, if you’re into that sort of thing).

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1: A short review of a children’s movie, I promise

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